Southmountain Goes Green!
Southmountain Goes Green!
Southmountain Children and Family Services is proud to launch a recycling program on our campus in Nebo, North Carolina. The program will be a community service project for our children who participate in the National Youth Project Using Mini-bikes (NYPUM). NYPUM participants will help launch the program on campus with our foster parents, provide education on the appropriate ways to recycle, help keep the momentum of the project going and help the project grow. Southmountain’s goal is to also use this project to educate our children about the benefits of recycling and the importance of caring for our planet. According to Executive Director, Chris Jernigan “Our hope is that this will be the first of other projects to help our organization Go Green”. Southmountain Children and Family Services is also recycling in our downtown office as well as at our Burke County Children’s Advocacy Center.